The Trustees of NEACA are very keen to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of
operating our community hall.
Following a Carbon Reduction and Energy saving review by Brookes University; it was decided by the
Trustees that NEACA would improve its loft and boiler pipework insulation
Brookes estimated that the insulation work would reduce our carbon emissions by 0.37 tCO 2 e/yr and
save approximately 10% of our heating bill.
The work was completed in January 2024, we now have loft insulation to a depth of approx. 300mm
and our pipework has been insulated.
The NEACA trustees would like to thank all those involved.
Westmill Solar Co-operative.

The work was kindly funded by Westmill Solar; they are a Co-operative that owns the Westmill Solar Park
in Oxfordshire, England, which at the time of building was believed to be the largest community-owned
photovoltaic power station in the world. The key aim of Westmill Solar is: ‘The aims of the project are to
combat climate change by financing a reliable source of renewable energy, provide local people and other
investors with a stable, reliable source of income, and help the area transition to a low carbon
future economy.’
Westmill Solar Co-operative also operate a community grant scheme from which NEACA was a
More information about Westmill can be found at
Note: Other carbon reduction and energy saving work @ NEACA.
The insulation work follows on from our recent successful project to replace our Compact
Fluorescent tube lighting system with LED.
In the future:
1) we will be replacing our hot water heating systems with modern efficient units as well as
improving draft insulation in the bar area. This work is kindly funded by Councillor Alison
Rooke through her Oxford Couty Council councillor priority fund.
2) We will also be removing our Hall carpet and renovating the wooden ‘sprung’ floor underneath.
This will make the Hall easier to maintain and clean as well reducing our
reliance on volatile cleaning chemicals. This work will kindly be partially funded by AbingdonTown Council.
3) We are also conducting a review to determine if it is cost effective to fit Solar panels and
battery technology to the NEACA Hall.